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Zig Ziglar Quotes


This page contain 100 of the Zig Ziglar Quotes. This quotes will usful for everyday life

100 Zig Ziglar Quotes 

Zig Ziglar Quotes - 1


A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 2


A plan is always successful if the plan is good.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 3


A productive employee who is kept busy working at his or her job is far more likely to be happy at that job and less likely to look for employment elsewhere.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 4


Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 5


Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination the best is yet to come.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 6


Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 7


Anyone with a Purpose Can Make a Difference
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 8


Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you learn to do it well
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 9


Athletic skills are acquired over a long period of time and after countless hours of practice
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 10


Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 11


Authors by the hundreds can tell you stories by the thousands of those rejection slips before they found a publisher who was willing to 'gamble' on an unknown
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 12


Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 13


Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 14


Be helpful when you see a person without a smile, give them yours
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 15


Be there for your kids later, when you need them, they'll be there for you
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 16


Being productive gives people a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that loafing never can
- Zig Ziglar


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 17


Building a better you is the first step in building a better America
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 18



By altering our attitudes we can alter our lives
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 19


Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 20


Courage is on display every day, and only the courageous wring the most out of life
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 21


Desire is created when something happens in your life that suddenly changes the way you see yourself in relationship to your future
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 22


desire is the catalyst that enables a person with average ability to compete and win against others with more natural talent
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 23


Desire is what takes the hot water of mediocrity and turns it into the steam of outstanding success
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 24


Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 25


Do more than you are being paid to do, and you'll eventually be paid more for what you do
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 26


Do not be distracted by criticism Remember the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 27


Do not become a wandering generality be a meaningful specific

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 28


Do not count the things you do. Do the things that count.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 29


Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 30



Earl Nightingale has inspired more people toward success and fortune than any other motivational speaker on the planet.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 31


Encouragement and hope are the two most powerful qualities any person can provide to others
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 32


Encouragement is the fuel on which hope runs

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 33


Every choice you make has an end result.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 34


Every obnoxious act is a cry for help.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 35


Every sale has 5 basic obstacles: need, money, hurry, desire, trust.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 36


Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, and no trust.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 37


Everybody says they want to be free Take the train off the tracks and it’s free-but it can’t go anywhere.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 38


Expect the best Prepare for the worst Capitalize on what comes.

- Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 39


Failing is an event, not a person yesterday ended last night.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 40


Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 41


F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget everything and Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise' The choice is yours.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 42


Fear is faith in reverse.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 43


few sincere words can have an impact on a life.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 44


For every sale you miss because you were too enthusiastic, you'll miss a hundred because you weren't enthusiastic enough
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 45


Fortunately, problems are an everyday part of our life consider this: If there were no problems, most of us would be unemployed.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 46


From wherever you are, you can go anywhere you want to go if you pick the right roads to travel.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 47


Get up again and again

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 48


Getting knocked down in life is a given Getting up and moving forward is a choice.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 49


Go as far as you can see and you will see further.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 50


Go as far as you can see When you get there, you'll be able to see farther
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 51


Goals enable you to do more for yourself and others, too
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 52


Good action today will produce good living tomorrow.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 53


He climbs highest who helps another up.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 54


Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life - all areas of life The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 55


Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur.

-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 56


Hope is the engine of your attitude, and your attitude determines your altitude.

-Zig Ziglar 


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How Many Marriages Would Be Better If the Husband and the Wife Clearly Understood That They're On the Same Side?.
-Zig Ziglar 


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How you see your future is much more important than what happened in your past.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 59


Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 60


Husbands and wives, have fun with each other I am convinced it makes all the difference in the world.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 61


I am a constant learner you need to be a constant student because things change and you have to change and grow and I emphasize the word 'grow'
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 62


I am an expert in Higher Level Math you + God= Enough
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 63


I am convinced that what kids need today are parents - not buddies they need someone who will exercise mature judgment.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 64


I am not gonna give up; shut up, or let up as a matter of fact, I am just getting warmed up.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 65


I believe it is important that we use names of endearment that reflect a special feeling for the individual involved.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 66


I believe Success is achieved by ordinary people with Extraordinary Determination.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 67


I took up an offer for me to lose 30 pounds in 30 days It worked I lost 30 days!
-Zig Ziglar 


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If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 69


If my life has had a theme, I suppose it has been a typical American theme in that, for most of it, I have been looking for happiness and success.
-Zig Ziglar 


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If people like you they'll listen to you, but if they trust you they'll do business with you.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 71


If standard of living is your #1 objective, then quality of life almost never improves But, if quality of life is your #1 objective, then standard of living improves.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 72


If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 73


If you aim at nothing you will hit every time.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 74


If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 75


If you believe as I do that you were born to win, you’re going to have to find your fears and start facing them.
-Zig Ziglar 


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If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
-Zig Ziglar 


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If you do not know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else
-Zig Ziglar 


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If you do not see yourself as a winner, you cannot perform as a winner.
-Zig Ziglar 


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If you don’t plan your time, someone else will help you waste it.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 80


If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce if you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 81


If you have enough push, you do not have to worry about the pull.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 82


If you have the character to hang in there  when its tough, you will develop or acquire every other characteristic necessary to WIN in the game of life.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 83


If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 84


If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred, you’ll never end up with a nag.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 85


If you wait until all the lights are green before you leave home, you'll never get started on your trip to the top.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 86


If you want to earn more, learn more.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 87


If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 88


If you're going to have to swallow a frog, you do not want to have to look at that sucker too long!
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 89


In the game of life, before you get anything out, you must put something in!
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 90


Isn't it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 91


It is absolutely true that unless you can instill discipline upon yourself, you will never be able to lead others.
-Zig Ziglar 


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It is easier to explain price once than to apologize for quality forever.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 93


It is not how far you fall But how high you bounce that counts.
-Zig Ziglar 

 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 94


It is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you respond to what happens to you that makes a difference.
-Zig Ziglar 


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It is not what you have got, It is what you use that makes a difference.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 96


It is not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important what is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 97


It is not your aptitude but your ATTITUDE that decides your altitude in life..
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 98


It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 99


It is unwise to pay too little when you pay too.
-Zig Ziglar 


Zig Ziglar Quotes - 100


It is your ATTITUDE not your APTITUDE that ultimately determines your ALTITUDE!
-Zig Ziglar